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Movie Night Spécial Black History Month

Alliance française de Philadelphie - 1420 Walnut St #700, Philadelphia, PA 19102

Three short Films  - Original French Version with English Subtitles

Join us for a special movie night

 In partnership with SUDU The PanAfrican Film Network,  and l'Institut Francais du Cinéma,

We are delighted to organize the screening of 3 recent short films based in 3 French-speaking countries by 3 recognized black directors

Court-métrage 1

Le Sapeur

Directed by David-Pierre Fila Documentary- 50min - France - 2019

Fashion, Africa, Cultural Identity

La Sape was born in Congo-Brazzaville during colonization. In the 1970s, sappers used their weapons and clothing to invade social space by appropriating the codes of the elite. They proclaim their existence in the face of politicians intoxicated with their new powers. The acronym SAPE designates the Société des Ambianceurs et des Personnes Élégantes, a clothing fashion which became popular in the “two Congos” (Brazzaville and Kinshasa) around the 1960s – the so-called “Independence” period. In the 1970s, some Sape pioneers emigrated to Paris, a fashion showcase. This is the case of Jocelyn Le Bachelor, who offers Parisians daring costumes

Court-métrage 2

Nous Les Griots

Directed by Demba Konate Fiction -  18 min - France - 2023

Tradition, Africa, Cultural Identity

Daouda is a father from Senegal. His eldest son Malik wants to marry Mariama. A meeting is organized around a meal. Daouda discovers that the families are from two different social castes: he is a griot, the other family is noble.

** Prix du Jury & du public - Génération Court 2023 *

** Prix Sudu Connexion - Nollywood Week 2023 **

Interview with director HERE

Court-métrage 3


Directed by Sarah Malleon Fiction - 16min - Martinique - 2023 .
Français / Créole Martiniquais

 Daniel is a widowed father who lives in northern Martinique with his 8-year-old daughter, Soraya. Fisherman and restaurateur, he tries to make ends meet in a town hit by a strong economic and social crisis. His daily life is turned upside down the day his daughter decides to summon mermaids using a conch of lambi. If the little girl just wants to make friends, Daniel sees in his new obsession the risk of a dangerous invasion…

*Best Short Film - Nova Frontier 2024*

*Prix du Public - Champs Elysées Film Festival 2024*

Trailer HERE


Day: Friday, February 28th, 2025
Time: 6:30 - 8:30 pm
Duration:  2 hours
Location: Alliance Française de Philadelphie, 1420 Walnut St, Suite 700, Philadelphia, PA 19102
Language: English, French
Fee: $10 for AF members / $15 non AF members

Drinks and PopCorn will be served

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RSVP by Feb 28 2025 12:00pm


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1 x Movie Night Spécial Black History Month $15.00
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TOTAL: USD $15.00
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