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The French Humor
L'Humour Français
Immersion class represents four hours of intensive work with one subject area, geared toward conversation with reviews of grammar, pronunciation and vocabulary.
Immersion class schedule :
10AM -12PM
2PM - 4PM
France is known around the world for its food, culture and quality of life but not so much for its sense of humour, which can often leave foreigners nonplussed. How much of that is due to jokes being lost in translation and how much of it is simply cultural?
L’humour est une manière de s’exprimer qui tend à faire rire son interlocuteur en l’interpellant avec une histoire drôle ou un fait tourné
en dérision. L’humour n’est pas forcément oral, les clowns et autres mimes pratiquent eux l’humour gestuel. Des images, comme des
caricatures, peuvent également rentrer dans cette catégorie.
Il est souvent dit que cette pratique est étroitement liée à la culture d’un pays, par exemple en Angleterre l’humour noir caractérise
leurs blagues, alors qu’en France l’ironie trône en maitre sur cette discipline.
En France, il est aussi important de noter que l’humour est reconnu comme un trait d’esprit important, nécessaire à l’intégration sociale. A
tous niveaux de son évolution, le jeune Français est confronté à plusieurs sortes d’humours.
L'Humour Français
You will explore this theme with more or less depth depending on your level.
Four levels of classes are offered on the same day:
beginner, basic, intermediate and advanced.
If you have never had French before you would be in the beginner level.
Please note that Beginners will not study the topic of the month, as it is more an introduction to the language.
If you are already enrolled in a class at the Alliance Française, you can find your level easily:
101 = beginner
102-106 = basic
201-206 = intermediate
301+ = advanced
If you have never taken an immersion or regular class with us, and you are not a beginner, you will need to take a placement test to find your level.
The placement test can be taken HERE or you can call our office at 215-735-5283.
Price - $120 including materials.