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Zoom |
Saturday, January 30 | 10 AM to 4 PM
On Zoom | $120.00
Join us on Saturday, January 30 for the first immersion class of the new year.
Four hours
of intensive work with one subject area, geared toward conversation with reviews of grammar, pronunciation and vocabulary.
10 AM to 12 PM
2 PM to 4 PM
Among things we miss during this pandemic, theater has to be at the top of our list. This is why we have decided to make it our
theme for this month's immersion class.
Discover le théâtre à la française, from classics to contemporary pieces there is a lot to see and to enjoy!
Please choose your level upon registration.
Exceptionally we will not be offering a Beginner level group this session.
Basic level = 102-106 (A1/A2)
Intermediate level = 201 - 206 (A2/B1)
Advanced level = 301+ (B2+)
If you have never taken an immersion or regular class with us, you will need to take a placement test to find your level.
The placement test can be taken HERE or you can call our office at 215-735-5283.