
Ciné & Canapé: Le Prénom

Let's talk about francophone movies and the topics they raise.

(For intermediate to advanced levels)

How does it work ? Comment ça marche? 

  • Each week, we have chosen a film for you to view at home; our selections are available via various streaming services.
  • Every participant watches the film before the discussion at a time that fits their own schedule.
  • On Fridays at 5PM, participants join a meeting on Zoom and discuss about the film.
  • Movies selected for ciné canapé usually target adult audiences because of the sensitive topics they may raise. 

It's a donation-based event (suggested donation: $10).

Donations can be made here

Watch on Amazon

Le prénom (Comédie)

Vincent , la quarantaine triomphante, va être père pour la première fois. Invité à dîner chez Élisabeth et Pierre (Charles Berling), sa soeur et son beau-frère, il y retrouve Claude , un ami d'enfance.

En attendant l'arrivée d'Anna (Judith El Zein), sa jeune épouse éternellement en retard, on le presse de questions sur sa future paternité dans la bonne humeur générale... Mais quand on demande à Vincent s'il a déjà choisi un prénom pour l'enfant à naître, sa réponse plonge la famille dans le chaos.

Vincent, a real estate agent and father-to-be is invited for dinner by his sister Elisabeth and his brother-in-law Pierre. Their childhood friend, Claude, is also invited. Vincent is a wealthy, successful capitalist, while Pierre, a university professor, is much more liberal. When Vincent reveals the name of his future son, his hosts are horrified. The situation eventually gets out of hand, when no one can come to an understanding, and everyone starts unearthing old rivalries and unspoken issues.

Youtube: https://www.amazon.com/gp/video/detail/B07BBV5MLV/ref=atv_dp_b00_det_c_UTPsmN_1_2
Cinema Image: /media/marketing_events/36/le-prenom-2.jpg

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